Join the TimeOnSports Community

We are a passionate sports program committed to making AFL, cricket, and basketball accessible to everyone. Our inclusive and nurturing program style fosters social and physical development, promoting growth and wellness through sports. Our experienced coaches provide adaptive and engaging training, ensuring every participant experiences the joy and camaraderie of team sports in a safe, inclusive setting.


Join us today and experience the transformative power of sports.

Our programs include


We believe sports can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of culture, background and ability. We have designed our programs to offer individuals of all abilities and ages the opportunity to experience the joy and benefits of team sports, fostering growth, inclusivity, and wellness.

A sense of community

At TimeOnSports, we’re more than just a sports program; we’re a community committed to fostering personal and community development through team sports, creating opportunities for individuals to build relationships, develop leadership skills, and make a positive impact.

Adaptive Training

We provide adaptive training that caters to individuals of all abilities and ages. We will track and monitor the progress of every individual participating and make sure they are receiving the care and attention they deserve whilst improving their knowledge and skills in the sports program they have chosen.

Game day

Our sports programs are weekly sessions that work towards an end of term “Match Day” where all individuals in our programs get to play a game in front of family and friends. This is the highlight of any program and showcases the development on all fronts our participants have made!

Breaking Barriers: Inclusivity in Action

Discover how TimeOn Sports created an inclusive sports program for individuals with disabilities, providing a safe, engaging environment that fosters personal growth and community development.

Community Engagement: Sports for All Ages

Learn how TimeOn Sports’ community development initiatives have created a sports culture in the local community, providing a range of programs that cater to individuals of all ages, and promoting physical fitness and wellness through sport.

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